Why Restaurants Are Refocusing on Local Marketing Again?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift of restaurants moving their marketing pounds back to the local level. After nearly a decade of increasing national ad campaigns, brands are refocusing on community-based marketing. There are several factors driving this change.

Connecting with the Local Community

Today's consumers, especially millennials and Gen Z, crave authenticity from brands. They want to feel connected to the businesses they frequent. Local marketing allows restaurants to build grassroots relationships and become woven into the fabric of their neighbourhood. This can be achieved through partnerships with local schools, organisations, and influencers.

For example, restaurants can offer discounts when customers bring in sports flyers from local schools. This engages the community and provides a win-win for restaurants and schools. Hosting local taste testing events where residents can try new menu items and provide feedback is another way to crowdsource ideas while getting locals excited about the restaurant.

Local SEO

With more diners searching for restaurants online before visiting, search engine optimisation is critical. Optimising Google business profiles, encouraging customer reviews, and using geotags help restaurants boost visibility for potential nearby customers searching on their mobiles.

Cost Effectiveness

Targeting a specific area allows restaurants to efficiently allocate marketing budgets and yield higher returns on local ads and direct mail versus fragmented, expensive national campaigns.

Tailored Messaging

Restaurants can create hyper-targeted promotions, events and ads tailored to the local audience based on neighbourhood demographics and competitors. For example, sponsoring free summer concerts in the community park ties the brand to a popular local event. Having chef collaboration dinners also allows for creative new menus.

Additionally, localised social media and influencer engagement resonates more than generic messaging. Partnering with smaller, hyperlocal personalities to showcase dishes can seem more authentic than using national social media stars.

Marketing Ideas

Participating in local food festivals gives residents a taste of the menu while promoting the restaurant. Source ingredients from nearby farms to tap into the farm-to-table movement. Display local artists' work or host receptions to align with local talent. Use geo targeted happy hour digital ads to draw in the local after-work crowd.

In our increasingly digital era, local marketing allows restaurants to stand out through relevant community partnerships, events, and personalised messaging tailored to residents.


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Gen Z Marketing for restaurants & bars